STATUMEN considers satisfying client requirements and achieving the prime project objectives as an essential quality issue. STATUMEN operate a total quality management system , led by the Management and fully supported by the main board members. A commitment to quality is required from all employees and the “THINK QUALITY” philosophy is encouraged in all aspects of STATUMEN operations.


STATUMEN recognizes the requirement of Quality Assurance within all business areas in which it operates and therefore STATUMEN has obtained in 2013 an ISO 9001-2008 Certificate and thus has committed itself to the establishment of an effective Quality Management System which can be implemented as required on any project, study or proposal it undertakes. The aim of the system is to ensure that client objectives are met with minimum wastage, rework or concession and thus achieving a reliable cost system of Management.


To ensure the achievement of these objectives, STATUMEN have appointed a Quality Assurance Manager, who is responsible for the introduction, documentation, implementation and maintenance of the Quality System. The Quality Assurance Manager has a direct reporting link to the Managing Director on all Quality Matters in order to ensure independence. STATUMEN Quality Assurance procedures and Quality Manual have been developed to meet the requirements of the International Standard Organization ISO 9001-2008. Our policy statements have been developed in line with these standards. The Quality Assurance Program laid down in the corporate quality manual has the unqualified support of STATUMEN’s General Manager. Furthermore, the manager recognizes that quality is the responsibility of each employee. All personnel must therefore accept as a condition of employment that they will, as directed, comply with the policy, systems and procedures as defined in the Manual.


STATUMEN in-house procedures have been developed and are implemented generally in accordance with the requirement ISO 9001-2008.



STATUMEN is recognized for high standards in the area of safety, both in Design and Construction. We share a common belief that safety is a primary concern. By coupling Client and International standards with a commitment to incorporate safety into the design and working environment, we can collectively construct and implement all works conforming to safe practices. STATUMEN Health and safety Policy has been prepared in accordance with current international safety legislation, which advises that:

Executive Management shall accept responsibility for health and safety, for the implementation and maintenance of measures to secure the health and safety of employees and others and the elimination of risks likely to result in personal injury, damage to health and damage to plant and equipment.

Safety procedures instruct on:

  • The keeping and maintenance of accurate accident and injury records which are compiled in a uniform manner throughout STATUMEN with a view to measuring performance, maintaining control and estimating hazard potential.
  • The formulation by management, at all levels, of annual operating plans which include health and safety together with long terms plans to achieve tangible and progressive performances throughout STATUMEN Company.
  • The preparation and implementation of training programs for all employees based on safe working methods and relevant statutory requirements to ensure that they process the information, knowledge and understanding necessary to carry out the responsibilities of their activities jobs without endangering themselves, other people, plant, equipment or product.

It is the policy of STATUMEN that as far as is practicable, every effort will be made to ensure the safety, health and welfare of all its employees whilst at work. STATUMEN recognizes the responsibilities placed on it by Safety Legislation and accepts that the health and safety of its employees and those affected by their work must be given priority.


Beirut, Wata Al Musaytbeh

AL Daman Street, Amira Bld. 3rd / 5th floor

P.O. Box: 30103 Choueifat.

Tel : +961 1 311 581 – Fax : +961 1 311 586

E-Mail: reem@statumen.com.lb

Website: www.statumen.com.lb


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